About us

Dr. Kinga Kelemen
Managing Partner/Attorney at law
Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law and from Eötvös Loránd
University Faculty of Law, the Institute of Post-graduate Legal Studies as EU lawyer. In 2015 she established the independent KPLI Law Firm as Managing Partner.

Dr. Daniella Szabó
Attorney at law
She obtained her law degree from the Faculty of Law at Eötvös Loránd University, then she also pursued studies at the Milano-Bicocca University. For the past 20 years, she has mainly represented clients in the fields of public procurement law, real estate law and commercial law.

Dr. Daniella Schlaffer
Attorney at law
Graduated in 2023 at the Faculty of Law at the University of Eötvös Loránd.
Studied at the University of Rijeka – Faculty of Law with Erasmus-scholarship.
Studied at the University of Verona – Faculty of Law with Erasmus-scholarship.
Gained experience as an Associate at an economic law profiled law firm in Budapest.
Associate of the KPLI Law firm since 2024.

Dr. Krisztina Gaál
Attorney at law
Graduated in 2023 at the Faculty of Law at the University of Eötvös Loránd.
Associate of the KPLI Law firm since 2024.